tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News December 29, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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media always fair and balanced.ç thanks for being with us. have a great night. ♪ >> good evening i'm jason in for laura this is the ingraham angle from washington. great to be back we have a vent has a gland about stories free. president trump is drawing a line up in the sand during his holiday vacation in florida, telling democrats what they're going to have to give up to get any deal on daca, and david clark will be here to talk about why the left needs to except the president is helping minorities. also, it it judges in oregon make another controversial ruling in a caseç with the baker's liberty against leavertocouple,and a major buzzt buzz fee, the fault after an attempt at humor falling flat over an article calling 37 thins
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white people need to stop ruining in 2018, let's start with the president in the art of a deal, even while on vacation. he gave democrats bottom line for any daca deal for the illegal immigrants called the dreamers. the president treated, the democrats have been told, and fully understand that there can be no did daca without the desperately needed wall at the southern border, and into the horrible chain migration and -- we must protectç our country at all costs. can the president get the democrats democrats to yes and will his base accept amnesty discuss that can steve cortez the form are trump campaign operative. and steven a law professor at university memphis and former prosecutor. happy new year. this will be a contentious issue as we turn to the match
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fifth deadline that is out there on daca. professor, want to start with you. my concern is the democrats like the they say we need comprehensive. issue but they do not want to solve it. president ask is simple. build the wall.ç something that democrats support in the past. is it unreasonable to think that we should protect our border and build a wall? >> it is not unreasonable to think we should protect our border we don't need to build a wall to do that. the wall itself to cover the expectancy of the border would cost tens of billions and not even be effective. what sections of wall we have you can tunnel under or put ramps or ladders over them. if you're spending tens of billions of dollars on a wall that will not work and simplyç alienate relations with mexico, when it use that money in a
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better way by increasing border security agents and economic development in mexico to reduce the demand for illegal immigration. there are more efficient ways of tackling this problem that would not alieneate mexico work can be a better for tax dollars. >> jason: the president is going to get his wall. he's going to get the $1.8 billion that he wanted, and i do not know how we can settle for anything less. as president obama said, they have consequences, this is one of things the president said he would do. >> jason, this is a pi$lar of his electoral mandate. i call him president promise keeper, he kept one promise after another. we are going to get that wall, and by the way, the wall is not good for the united states, i disagree, it's good for mexico. it has a problem on its southern border largely because of our
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pores southern border, right because getting our board i unr control, good neighbors need good fences, and that is what we need for the u.s.-mexico. i want to give the president so much credit for what he has done, even before the big beautiful wall goes up. illegal crossings have plunged under this president. why?ç because of clear eyed rhetoric and better enforcement. do not take my enforcement, this president has done more for border security pass six presidents combined. he's enhancing our economic and national security by securing our borders. >> jason: the numbers are reflective of the reduction but they are steer happy. what do you attribute the lower crossing rate to be other than the election of donald trump? >> it's important to remember that actually immigration border
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crossings were on the decline for years prior to the election of donald trump. weç now have a negative net outflow of immigration per there are more people leaving men coming in, and that was the case well before donald trump was elected. >> professor -- i have to say, i was the chairman of the committee in congress that held multiple hearings. i would love to see those numbers and where you think we are on the decline with president obama. asylum-seekers, others coming across the borders. a much higher than they are today. speak out the source that i would use, it would be political fact, it did a recent study a few months ago on this very thing. as for the politics, let's also rememberç that president trump agreed with chuck schumer to give daca reform for beefed up border security without the wall. why would it make sense for them to now negotiate against
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themselves and go backwards as part of the negotiation between the white house and capitol hill? >> jason: professor, you're okay if it's not a physical wall but border security, i would probably disagree with you that economic develop meant in mexico, i don't know why the americans have to pay for that? you would be okay, right, professor? if it is not just the wall but border security and the definition of that coming we may want to haggle.78p&c @&c% >> guest worker program would be more efficient use of our tax dollars than actually building a wall, which i think would be way more expensive than you expect, because of the land rights we would have to buy through eminent domain and it is not effective. make sense to talk about border security and daca reform without the wall. >> jason: steve cortes, what else is the president going to have to give, because it is a long line, a solemn reform,
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lottery, daca. what else do you think that it is imperative. you've been close to donald trump. what is imperative? >> jason, on the way coming of the swipe of the president personally. i disagree with some of my colleagues on team trump, peoplç i respect i do believe that daca recipients, not dreamers, americans have dreams to come when they're not kids, they are adults. i believe daca recipients are different category of illegal immigrants, they truly did not choose to come here because they're brought here as children, i believe they should be protected and again, i disagree with a lot of people and respect on that issue, having said that, i believe he will do is in return, the big things are, border security, more barricades, more resource at the border, but also, we cannot stop there, and in chain migration. chain migration has been a disaster for the american people. it fronts our national security, affects our economic security. right now, and i'm the son of an
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immigrant$'d hispanic, the majority of immigrant-headed households receive welfare. that is a tragedy. terrible is nothing like what they faced when they wanted nothing from the united states other than opportunity. we are not doing immigration right largely because of chain migration. that has to end, we have to have a grand bargain, which i do believe is going to happen in january. daca recipients, resources at the border. >> jason: joe meant, thank you. happy new year. i appreciate you joining us. earlier on fox news, lindsey graham came on and said, there was no possible way they would do daca by itself, it was political theater. it will be interesting to see how it plays out starting in january. it has been a two front war for president trump this year, fighting not only the democrats, but most of the media too. we will tell you why he thinks he is going to win them over starting next year. that is next plus, we'll take a
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ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. >> jason: president trump has been at war with much of the media, takingç them as fake nes also with reason. we saw an unprecedented number of significant corrections from major media outlets, especially on stories attacking the president. but president trump believes their tunes will change dramatically starting next year. yesterday he told "the new york times," another reason i'm going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if i am not there because without me, at their ratings are going down the tube. and for good measure he added. without me, "the new york times"
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will impede, it will not be the feeling, but the failed "new york times." that's a pretty bold prediction, but could he be right? fox news contributor and radio host is with us. also joiningç me, commentator, and kissel. thank you both for being here. happy new year. let me start with you. i worry that the d.c. bubble, the establishment media in particular, the hard left, they ddo not understand donald trump and they do not get him, they don't want to get them beard they don't want to understand appeared they just want to throw as many boxes way, and they play into his hand. do you think the liberal media actually understand donald tru donald trump? >> i think they understand president trump just fine. there's a lot to correct when he he gives an interview, in the interview your referencing with "the new york times" for example, you misquoted or got somethingç wrong 24 times. this whole notion that media is against donald trump, the
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television is against them is a total misnomer. complete and utter lie. $2 billion worth of free media from these news outlets when he was running in 2016. this is another example of president trump one to raise up his own celebrity as opposed to raising up lower income individuals in this country. he needs a focus on being the president, not been famous. >> jason: tammy, i have never heard president trump say he's trying to become famous. he is famous when he started running. do think the liberals and theç left, do they get and understand why he became president trump? >> i don't even think they understand -- just because you are stalking someone, doesn't mean you love them, right? you have trump derangement syndrome, and this about focus and obsession on the president, because he was something that was unpredictable that they cannot predict, and they got wrong in the end result they got
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wrong. it remains fascinating. what i love about that tweet what the president, he says, look you've a very dry sense of humor, and he is trolling them. this is fascinating, because it also highlights the shift between lasher and this repair lesser, it was an attack, is to mission to derail him. the legacy media propaganda for the democrats. now, look at what is happening. his ratings approval ratings was matching president obama's in his first year. if you have the media approval rating at the level of where the cockroaches are. when you think about who has won this fight, jason, it is the president. he survived this year. he is doing well. he has major legislation going. we have seven more years to go. he's having a good time, and he's telling him. >> his lowest approval rating after one year since poland,
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that's a totalç lie. >> jason: on the polls always been accurate. it has the numbers. >> jason>> jason: i sent the onr the election. this whole idea that donald trump is trolling the media is unnerving and disturbing as it should be. we have north korea come a very significant situation happening globally. the last thing a president needs to do is act like the person in his parents basement, who interacted with the russians do you mind? i think what you just heard proves my point. what we got is an individual who clearly is governing and doing a very good job and every now cn then, he puts out a tweet and there is a volume of an emotional reaction that is outside. everything they accuse the president of doing is the nature of the reaction to him. and it has worked to his
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benefit, because the american people -- when you see the scum of the american people realize that when he says about the media, has finally been exposed but the media is a level of unfairness, not just about being adversarial. we want an adversarial president, but now it's oppositional, and it is arranged. and this is what the american people do not trust the media. >> the most immediate -- i see how my feed. i assure you, it is not the snowflakes on the left.ç >> tell your president, but everything seems to be twitter for. how does that help somebody get a job? how does it help a lower income family? excuse me? we are filibustering here, that does not help the conversation. but because you see everything as having come through twitter or social media, that is a pretty good example of projection. what liberals miss the fact that
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government is going on, the president is changing this country. he's changing the world. he's having a good time, and he's doing a good job of it. i think that people can laugh.ç >> jason: we will let you have the last word, ben? >> this is not a john hughes film. this is a giant candy is present. i don't care if he's having a great time or not. he needs to government and help the people he promised to help in this country. a lot of them voted for him and are wondering where is the reward for doing so. >> jason: tammy, ben, thank you. the last comment, i would look at the numbers but look at the end result for the economy is doing better, stock market is up. unemployment is doing better, we were about to do a segment that i think will highlight the people crossed the entire politicals bactrim. large part, it does. next they may come and stay tuned. you do notç need a weatherman o tell you how cold it has been
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across most of the country right now. but you do need want to warn you about how much worse it may get in the treacherous travel conditions this holiday weekend. let's get an update from fox news chief meteorologist rick reichmuth. >> obviously, the cold has been for number days already. we have allotted days to go. we are done with this. in fact, the better part of ten, 12 more days before this cold air mass goes away. keep in mind, we are still at the end of december, beginning of january, coldest time of the year, and will remain cold when it goes on. this brutal cold will go away. right now, they're cold all the way towards the north. that cold air will continue toç happen, and happening behind these clipper systems that will go through right now. pretty significant snow. for 5 inches with this big snow, setting up cross indiana, illinois, towards ohio. the ground is so cold, it will stick to the roads with really
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dangerous conditions across all the roadways. erie, pennsylvania, more snow on the way this weekend. 12, 18 inches of snow. we also have rain coming to the pacific northwest, probably one, 2 feet across the mountains of idaho and wyoming. the clipper system is going to dive cut the overnightç hours n towards philadelphia. eventually, not a major snow maker, but the ground is so cold it will stick very quickly, one or 2 inches for some folks, but behind that, the colder air really settles once again. the sets us up for maybe close to history for new year's eve, new york city at least. 100 years ago, 1 degree. we will not be anywhere near that, but 11 degrees. right around that amount, that temperature around midnight. 12 degrees could be ten, 12, somewhere in there.
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below zero, i want to tell you, tomorrow, take a look at this. the high temperature, minus 18 in fargo. that is the actual air temperature. you get aç little bit better sunday, maybe towards minus nine, and here you go. day one of the new year. minus one train in fargo, 24 little rock. the cold obviously here for a little bit of time. jason? >> jason: thank you very much, record the president has not just been sending off attacks, he's also been struggling to get credit where it is due. up next, we will look at the underreported stories this year. significant improvement to the lives of minority groups. do not go away. ♪
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after one year under president trump, african-american unemployment has reached 17 am year low. the national unemployment rate for black americans 16 and overa felt 7.3%. the overall crime rate in america's 30 largest cities, it disproportionately affects minority groups fell by 2.7%. the murder rate in those cities declined by 5.6%. will the left ever admit the president trump ap be helping minorities? estimate that with former d milwaukee county sheriff david clark and milwaukee tonight and here in washington. thank you for being here, happy new year. and i appreciate you joining us. you have a t admit, the numberse trending in the right direction. the economy is doing well. >> the numbers specifically the crimeth numbers are doing well. they are trending well as theyor have been for the past six
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years.e and the unemployment numbers on the african-american community are continuing to trend well ase they have been for the past s[x years. when you mention numbers such a. the 2.7% drop this year, well, d those are two-point a drop last year, and the drop before that, we have been seen for about 84 months now, a decrease in the unemployment number for african-americans african-americans, that is not really something that -- >> jason: that was unexpected. you do not think that he would actually going to continue to move the numbers in the right direction. you'd think there'd be better for minority groups. throughout the thi country. >> jason: i can't name one thing that he did to move that forward. i can give himç credit is not messing it up. i am hoping that the trend continues, and at the numbers are even larger, but when you say, 2.7% and a year, you have to look at,n okay, month by
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month, it has been decreasing .2% for the past 84 months.2% it is not really something that this president -- >> jason: lemme bring you into theerif conversation, share. what have you seen thes president trump doing that is actually helping the minority community across the country? >> first of all, she is delusional. everything is coming up roses and the economy. when he looks out into the eth economy, he does not seecan ethnicity, he sees the ameryc9 worker, and he knows they're looking for meaningful work. puts forth less regulation,s, lower taxes, it helps companies hire people. when they turn those profits around. under the obama economy, he had his boot on the back of the american economy with job killing of regulations, high t. we were told under president obama, 16% black unemployment rate was the new normal.
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now it16 is down nearly 7%, almi below 7%, 17 year low. that stands almost three administrations. you can say what youad want abon obama did to turn the economybut around< q i will remind you. we were told the that was the nw normal. job losses, consumer confidence. and black home ownership is up under donald trump too.en president trump when he started campaigning, he said, to the black voters, hey, give me a chance. what you have to lose?ring and all, he is producing. i see nothing but good for all americans, specifically in the black community, 17 year low in rate.employmentnt >> jason: congress just passed and he signed a new tax bill. it will reduce the rate. you believe that will help the minority community or not help them? >> no, i don't.ous you think about the tremendoust amount of debt that we will havm to shoulder.once
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>> jason: suddenly the democrats are all concerned about the debt. >> jason: is no is no where and how you're going to changes positions connect suddenly, republicans do not care about the debt and are adding to it,is and bringing up infrastructure. bills and are excited about them? i am wondering iff the g.o.p. hs an identity crisis. i do want to deal with what cheryl clark just said. was he said 16.9% was going to bee a the new normal. i do not know who he was talking to.n the point is, it has not been that high for five years.bout >> jason: i want to go back to what i asked you about, allowig the minoritynd communities and a americans to keep!]ore money ins their own wallets. that's a good thing, isn't it?ax >> jasonwhile the opposition tox plan, when it will lower the having to paythehe the taxes? >>no yout know it is not about e fact that i keep $50 in my pocket, it is that the fifthile percentile gets to keep millions
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more in their pocket and the win corporations are the biggest winners of all. itall. is not cut -- somebody gs to keep a dollar, it's that when a person who does not have anyto money gets to keep it $3 while people who have plenty ofe it gt clearm.ep 30 million, it is pree >> jason: what is your take on a tax plan, sheriff? >> of course it will help you in more blacks moved into the middle class and into the upper-middle-class. with this tax cut and it will benefit. when people can't keep more of their own money, they can get their kids in the black community audit is failing schools to get them into private schools. that the dig deeper to be able to do that sort of thing. as long as all americans get to keep more of their money, we know how to spend our money better than the federal government does. it's a good thing. >> jason:yo thank you. it shall come alive one more
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issuee i want to talk to you about before we say goodbye to you. i want to get your reaction about a repjdñ out tonight overr an alleged incident between you and a passenger on a flight togh milwaukee.t that took place over a year agos "milwaukee journal sentinel" is reporting the fbi got involved, a document that i've actually read exonerating you for the department of justice. while there are no charges, the passenger filed a civil lawsuito against you. i want to get your take. it's a frivolous lawsuit and yet to be adjudicated, so i cannot say too much. it's a fake news story. i do not know how donald trump feels, i know how he feels. i get the sense of the matter, they found no wrongdoing. that case is closed, and i was informed of that last may. here weç are in december, and they are trying to rehash it with lies interwoven in between to make it seem like this isne somethingw. new. there was no wrongdoing.
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i was doing police work at the e time, and i think the united states attorney's office recognizes that and that's why they said there wasat a no evide of any wrongdoing. >> jason: sheriff, i appreciate you being here appeared monique as well. gay rights versus religious liberties. i'd who won this round and why.ç ç t
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it's one of the most difficult our times.s of how to protect both newly established our gay rights in or long-standing religious liberties when they come into conflict. the oregon court of appeals against a couple who were finedn $135,000 after their bakery declined to make a wedding kater for lesbian partner, the
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clients were deprived of the constitutional promises of religious liberties and free speech. how do we find that balance in these issues when everybody's rights wants to be respected? joiningç us now from austin,bet texas, robert hickey, general counsel and director for the center for the american future along with an lgbtq activists and an army ranger veteran who is in atlanta. raven, and once you to thank you for your service toor our county and y protecting the united states. iur s really do appreciate that. i want to start with robert. t why is this a religious liberty opposed to what argue, something a bit different than that? wise religious liberty then first amendment trump what is going on here? j >>as thank you for having me on the program,ç jason.
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what constitutes artistic expression. legally, uncharted territory for courts to say, what is art and what is not. iella here, the court got it wrong when they d decided the artistry by mrs. klein in her custom handcrafted cakes was not entitled to the same type of first amendment protection that other mediums of artistry and artistic art expression. >> jason: they did have an oregon state law they were looking to, but the issue theyig will be arguing and wanting to appeal is going to be based on the first amendment issue, correct? >> the way they a got around it, going into the public doctrine thatç looks at ordinary businesses as brick-and-mortar type of operations that fallendm outside of typical first amendment freedom of expression and religious freedom protections. the court did that to get to the end result that it wanted to
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accomplish, and in doing so, the fact thatact her business was nt an ordinary bakery. it was a service of artistic expression that she did using her hands. type of cakesese with the way that she expressed herself. and the constitution is clear, the t first amendment protects t type of artistic expression which unfortunately the organ court failed to recognize and p &c @&c% >> jason: robin as you look at this, how do you feel? >> thank you for having me on, i appreciate the opportunity. i want to make one point clear, the reason that the fine was $135,000, was because thesese bakers doxxed and vilify them. it has nothing do with artistic expression appeared they denied service, and that is not an american value.
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unfortunately, i would like to point out, i really see this as identity policy issue on the side of the the right.ç as -- we want to be treated like everybody else. the golden rule. i do not want to be turned away and discriminated against. this is not about cake. be it's wanting to be treated the same as everybody else. we would likeould to stop about being singled out. i happen to be a army ranger, my ranger but he never treated me any differently than any of my peers as long as i shall find and held my ranger status, nobody cared. >> jason: do you believe robert, rob and i should say, do you feel there any room for religious liberty if this is alf long-standing belief in the religious liberty, why can'tc they make this decision? a >> that's a great question. theree is a case in colorado, where customer it wanted to make a cake in theake shape of a bibe
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that said homosexuality is a sin, and in that case, there was a fis first amendment issue, itd on thend s bag of icing it saidu can write whatever you want to honor.ot in that case, it did not violate any laws, it did not discriminate against the person's religious liberties. that is where the line is. this is about discrimination. these people were flat out told, they were not going to be served because they were,ç gay. the issue is, it comes down to discrimination. that is not is not an american value. it's not okay. we are all just american. it is identity politics, nobodyy cares that i am gay, and this religious baker has do not have the force religious police on me. >> jason: robert, where is the t line with religious liberty and this case? it will be decided by the d supreme court, because there's a different case that is pending
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before the court, correct? >> that is correct. this oregon case, the client case, will be a footnote that the united state supreme court is considering the cake shop caseç and before supreme court, sup the justices, kennedy and roberts, they were talking about where the tensionh exists in the tug-of-war between the two sides. how they are grappling with that issue. unfortunately, the oregon appellate court avoided that issue and i instead, shoehorned mrs. klein's artistry into -- the public doctrine in terms of a brick-and-mortar business. the real discrimination here, not recognizing that the masterpieces that she created withs her hands her form of pary expression, and she's entitled to the artistry especially in so far as expression of herç also
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genuine deeply held religious beliefs. >> jason:ous robin, last word quickly. a few seconds. >> that'sast where, like i said, please treat us the same as anyone else. live by the the golden rule, and treat us the weight you yourself want to be treated. please, discrimination is never okay, and that'sr what i think this is. >> jason: jenna, i think you both. happy new year. coming up, we will tell you how one of w president trump's problems with north korea just became twice as bad.
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spspy satellite ships saw the ships, to security forces tell writers, the russians have been doing the sameiers thing. let's discuss what this means with fox news contributor, political science professor, skinner in tennis is good. thank you for joining us. this is a very difficultç situation.e only now to have evidence that both russia and china are violatingat the same sanctions. what would you recommend? glo >> what is happening, global leadership is being devolved to theo united states and because the russian and chinese are not living up to the united nations, security council resolution, especially o the one, they are violating v international law, international norms, and i was suggest that s theta president f
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the united states make itabso absolutely clear that the government in russia and china enalize and stop those shipping companies that are trading oil with the north koreans, the united states have to look at military optio options, that underscore the fact that the united states is actually going to become the leader of the north korean conflict, and that's not something the russians and the chinese want to happen. >> jason: to add to the clarity that you are seeking, military option agains chinana and russia opt is probably notna viable, but they can be some things for instance such as the naval blockade. is that something that you mean byou taking action, military action? >> i am notç suggesting militay action, because they know thehed secretary of state and the secretary of defense do not want to go down that path where they working overtime on the diplomatic part, but we have
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to let our strategic adversari adversaries, north korea issue, understand that the full range of options have to be on the table. we will continue to use diplomacy aggressively come up but they have t to know that thy make north korea much more of ay unstable regime i propping it up. it serves no good interests for them as well. t i don't think they quite understand it yet. >> jason: the president try to channel row reagan, peace through strengthç approach. >> i would not say it is worthless. it is a huge debate.the generally the assembly of the united states, but the fact that we got unanimous vote from theon united nations suggests that th international community is moving in the direction of what
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the united states has been sayingg all along, especially under president trump that north korea has to be i.d. new colorized country, because it is so particularly dangerous. it could be b the fight of nuclr proliferauyon throughout northeast asia and the indo pacific region. i think what he can do for the united states now under thehe theica first policy of president, help reinforce therst issues that america first, in principle,rinc realism, the pilr of the president'st's policy suggest that sovereignty matte matters. respecting international norms and law, they matter astingms . in that way, the u.n. does put n useful role. >> jason: my own personal take on this, more sanctions is not going toot work, the leader of north korea it really doesn't care about his people. last question for you, really quick. the idea of a naval blockadeç o prohibit the importation of are needed that are
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critical to north korea, do you believe that in is one of the ta sitting on the president's desk? >> it is. being debated in the pentagon and international security community, whether it's on thecuri president's desk, i o not know. let mepr just speak to your pessimism on u.n. security council resolution. they areivenwhen compliant. given the strict nature of the most recent deflector, resolution against north korea in the security council, if it is implementedmple fully, it haa punishing impact on theç north korean economy, the russiansorth and chinese that ty do not comply, they are mining something that could bring north korea to the negotiating table. >> i hope president trump conditions to show the world how the russians and chinese are not complying something they were supportive of. >> we wish you the happiest of
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it was probably the one thing that i resented the most, unlike 94% -- i'm 94% body fat. if i know of one area, cheese peerless be fair. >> jason: i want to talk about cnn, a two day quest to blow the lid why was a truck blocking their cameras view of president trump's golf course iç west palm beach? a white box truck became the networks greatest white whale is seen in not letting go of the story. i'm sure you saw it. >> a great white box truck obscuring our shot of president trump golfing.
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>> were trying to figure out where this white truck coming from. i should say for the record, noah gray is on the case per speaker did you see the driver? clearly, the face do not want you to know who is driving the truck or where this truck is going. >> we can see you, mister. we can see you. >> jason: breaking news, jimmy. firstç off, first radio that doesn't come from unnamed sources. it was a big step journalistically. it does speak how deranged they become and they eight year history of the obama presidency did you hear a word about where anyone parked anywhere during a presidential golf outing? as a new yorker, i think that was the most insensitive part of the story that they brought up the same, the parking space, which i've never heard of in the month of december. >> jason: jimmy, thank you.
12:00 am
that's all the time we have, i am jason chaffetz info laura ingraham, will be back on tuesday. ed henry is filling in for shannon bream, auburn expert haveç a happy new year, everyo. >> this is 24 further evidence james comby killed not do this job. ppt i have a love for these people. >> president trump tweets there's no deal on the teamers without a border wall. ken paxton threatened legal action on the thousands of young
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